Thursday, September 11, 2008

What? I didn't catch what you said?

Even Charlie said it, "I got lost in a blizzard of words". Palin is chock full of rhetoric. She showed her expertise at marching around the questions, using many words and not saying a darn thing. Charlie was as nice as could be, but he did appear a little frayed towards the end of the, less than 10 minute, interview.

Where's Barbara when you need her? Someone needs to ask Palin how the heck she intends to implement the changes she so passionately speaks of.

I am scared that she is going to be successful at pulling the wool over too many American eyes. I could have lived with McCain with Romney or even Pawlenty, hell Condi Rice. Sarah Palin does not have the experience or relationships needed to lead the country.

I wish I could believe that we were all smart enough to see through this ruse. However in today's media run society where we believe Barbie is a role model I'm not so sure.

9/11... of all the days to have this interview.



Anonymous said...

I watched some of the interview this morning on Good Morning America...yes...I agree she completed avoided the answer and I understand most politicians go around most yes or no questions, but she didn't even accomplish that.

Nope...they don't have my vote.


Anonymous said...

Obama doesn't have the experience either and he's running for Pres not VP.  Both sides have their pros and cons.  Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately this election is about gender and race above all else....sigh...does anyone even know what policies are being offered to vote on. People need to seriously have some blinders on and look at what's best for our country and forget about how much history we are making. (Hugs)Indigo