Monday, September 29, 2008

another day another day (should be dollar)

Another day to get through. can't wait.

I need a hobby, knitting, painting, photography. Does staring off into space with an empty mind count as a hobby? Or, should there be some kind of tangible result after working on your hobby? Say a scarf or pretty pictures?

Can I really get some kind of surreal satisfaction of having an empty mind and glazed eyes?

Does my lethargic, uncaring, actions carry over into my productive work time? The time I am getting paid to pay attention and make useful contributions? Yeah... I'm pretty sure it does.

Oh well... such is life.

To use the words of one that I admire (especially his forearms) "I yam what I yam"

Now, pass me that can of spinach.



Anonymous said...

I agree.  Time for a hobby.  Have a good night.

Anonymous said...

I wish that staring out into open space would be a hobby. In that case i have one. I have a hard time getting up in the morning to stare out in space. Just another day to struggle with depressiona and try to keep my attitude and worries in check. ...((HUGS))..Christine