Monday, June 30, 2008

Words from work

 The mutt, a few years before he ate me.

Sitting at work on Sunday always makes me think. I think way too much. I think about the work I should be doing, the work I need to start thinking about and the work I need to delegate.

I have come to realize I am full of words, full of emotions, full of stuff or as George Carlin would say, crap, full of crap.  Mostly I am full of anger. I really am beginning to hate people. I hate deception, lying, I hate people who use others and don't think anything about the consequences, the hurt they cause. Ok, so much about friends. Let's get on to the real subject, me and my thoughts.

I  think alot about my life. I think about the people in my life, who should stay, who should go, who enriches me, who sucks me dry, who makes me happy, who makes me sad. I think about changes that I need to make, changes that I have made. What's worked, what hasn't. I wish I could say my good choices outweigh the bad, unfortunately that couldn't be farther from the truth. I think about my kids, generally that topic makes me cry. I hate crying, so I quickly move on to another subject. Most of my thinking makes me cry, just about everything can bring tears to my eyes. I cry when I'm happy. I cry when I'm laughing. I have even been known to cry before, during and after sex. I cry just thinking about my crying.

I have decided that I am very selfish, it's all about me, everything. I think in terms of "how will it (whatever it is) affect me?". What is the impact to my life, what is my role and what are my responsibilities? Me me me, if you are going to have me as a friend you better know this. If you aren't able to make me happy I will pretend you no longer exist. However, I will obsess over why you didn't make me a priority in your life.

Even tho I make everything about me, if it isn't working, it's also entirely my fault. I wasn't good enough for you to make me a priority. There is something wrong with me. My expectations are unreasonable, my wants and needs are impossible to fulfill. I am not worthy of being a friend. I'm too scary, possessive, demanding. I am constantly looking for validation, reassurance that I am ok. I need to hear I am funny, witty, smart, (forget pretty, I've lived without that most of my life). I want to hear that I am desirable, but it has to be based on my personality. I want you to want me, seriously. I want to be your Steven Hawking. No, I'm not a genius or debilitated by ALS, just a little on the old and chunky side. So, maybe the Steven Hawking example is a little exaggerated. We'll go with Aunt Bea instead. I want to be your Aunt Bea.

However, If you pay too much attention to me, shower me with validation and compliments I will run for the hills. You would appear needy to me, plus there would have to be something significantly wrong with you if you really wanted to be friends with me. I am a walking contradiction. I want friends but, I hate people. I want to be alone, yet that scares the shit out of me. I value and embrace my aloneness. I am the quintessential loner. I have my best conversations with myself, I ask incredibly intelligent questions of myself and generally am pretty pleased with the answers. I challenge myself to think and most of the time make myself cry.

I think it all boils down to being listened to. I want (and need) someone to listen to me, pay attention and be genuinely interested. To ask me questions (but, not too many) and listen to my answers. I want help, advice, I want someone to give me their opinion. I want honesty, someone that will be brutally honest with me, tell me when I'm crazy, tell me what I just said makes no sense whatsoever. Someone who will take a step back from me tell me to take a breath. Help me keep perspective, remind me of what's real and what isn't. Some one that will touch my shoulder and say "what the hell did you just say, that's stupid" and mean it.

Seriously, I am so afraid of failing that I never risk anything. I am too lazy to extend myself and my mind. And, I am fearful of being a  disappointment. I feel like I should always be tap dancing and smiling. Then I get tired and angry that I can't be who I really am. I live in constant fear of disappointing people so I act out. I am deliberate in my actions, I am in control, no one is going to leave me because I am going to leave them first! I get mean, nasty and run off. I stomp out, of the room, the state, relationships.

My other fear is falling down the stairs and no ones knows, no one ever expects me to answer the phone, or to call (it's the loner in me) so no one is ever really concerned about me. I am pretty good at taking care of myself, no dependence on my part, nope, none at all, really. If I'm not where I'm supposed to be (work) someone must have forgot that I mentioned I would be out of the office and, they make due. There I am, at the bottom of the stairs, my femur jutting out and my dog gnawing on it, out of hunger (I can't get up the stairs, he's hungry, who can blame him). Eventually someone at work gets really pissed and the neighbors are starting to notice the grass growing over the fence (6' high, gonna take a while). By then I'm dead, most of me eaten, the dog is fine, thank goodness.

Fortunately there are lots of things that make me smile (I swear). My beautiful daughter, my son that never ceases to amaze me with his verbal challenges and anger (makes me cry too). I love to laugh. I love the thought of someone reading my words and being entertained. I love reading others words. I think a perfect friend is one that challenges me with words, spoken and written (typed words too). I want to know everything, the good, the bad the ugly. I have far too many ugly things in my past (present) that I gladly share, helps ease my burden. I don't want to be surprised about important details of your life. Lying is far more painful then telling the truth. Give me a chance to process your reality, work with me. 

I am also very happy to stare at Maxfield Parrish skies, the stars, the moon and planes that fly above (versus those that fly below). I am fascinated by the wonder of life and space. How do planes fly? And those fireflies! The little flickers that make me do a double take. Hey! did you see that?! I am surrounded by magic, I will never understand the logic or science of these things so I consider them magical. I am surrounded by magic and miracles.

I wanted to end this on a happy note, a note of optimism, upbeat. No such luck. I am constantly reminded of crap, deceptive crap. Internet shit, that as long as I continue to use this medium, I will always be reminded of. I have grown up and out of the play that happens here. I can never trust anything or anyone that comes from this place, it will haunt me forever. Man, this ends on such a sour note, bad taste in my mouth, it stinks. People are so undeserving of what I gave them, totally turned me upside down, inside out. There is that god damn anger that I try so hard to stuff. Honest to god, it is as painful as a root canal without Novocain. It hurts and I need to take a pill to make it go away.

I also need to "get over it".

A hand that I desperately wanted to believe was mine.


Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's my birthday!!

No fair, I really want to choose two moods. It's my birthday and I should be able to do whatever I want. Unfortuately, depressed (surprise surprise) is weighing a little heavier than excited so it gets to be in the box.

Yep my birthday. 49 almost the big 50, over the hill, on the downlow, 1/2 over (should I live to be 100). 49, 49, 49, man oh man where did the time go?

I just watched a repeat of the very first SNL with George Carlin hosting. Format was very different from what it is now. Janis Ian (At 17, I hate that song, makes me cry[she seemed so angry]) and Billy Preston musical guests. I'm pretty sure my dad and I were in the tv room (small bedroom with a tv in it) in 1975 watching it. I can remember being uncomfortable when Dan and Garret (oops Michael O')were the couple and pitching Jamitol (cracked me up). And OMG, the Albert Brooks short, 'Oregon Lowers it Age of Consent to 7', how bad is that, seriously? I watched with one person on my mind, one I wanted to call and watch the show with, instead my thought just burned another hole in my head, which, apparently I need.

I miss my pops and want a 'do over'. I missed so many opportunities to know him and he me. The same for my mom. I have this big brown trunk that I promised my mom I would protect. It's full of family history from both sides. I've cracked it open a few times and am always amazed at who my parents really were compared to my experience. They are so unlike my memories, they're actually people that experienced this crazy love, separation (traveling salesman in the 40-70's) and seven kids. Through it all they survived, staying connected in a disfunctional but loving way. What the hell happened to their kids?

We are a motley crew. All of us dealing with different levels of depression, addictions, and major health issues. We work hard to stay separated and disconnected from each other. The fear of talking to one of my siblings makes me so tired. I have 3 sisters that are all so different with the commone thread of sadness and disfunction. I am considered the "sane" one . How scarey is that? I'm the one that ran screaming from my husband and kids, I fight daily with myself on ifmy sleep should be permanent or just enough to help me get through the next day.

Music is my relief. Lyrics are the window to souls, I have many soulmates in musicans, I swear they know me. They write songs about me. Joni Mitchell to Daniel Bedingfield, Johnny Cash to John Mayer. I am all over the place with my tastes, but words are what draw me. I've embarressingly used lyrics to say intimate thoughts that I couldn't possibly say in my own voice.

 If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?
If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?
If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call
If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all

I'll never know whatthe future brings
But I know you're here with me now
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?
If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?
If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life?
If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

I don’t know why you’re so far away
But I know that this much is true
We’ll make it through
And I hope you are the one I share my life with
And I wish that you could be the one I die with
And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with
I hope I love you all my life

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side

I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand
If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am
Is there any way that I could stay in your arms

No, Iam not a sappy romantic, honest, I swear, no way, couldn't be farther from the truth. I am one mean bitch, seriously.

Ihave to make this 49 a better year. The last of my 40's, the decade of hell, I survived. I brought 40 in with a fabulous party, jinxed the remaining years. They ALL sucked, As I start my 50th year on this planet my attitude, my displine, my capacity for love has all got to change. I have got to find trust again, a belief that good can be had, I am in control.



Saturday, June 28, 2008


I just killed my 3rd (really 4th if you count the first one) cord. Unfucking believable! I reached out to catch a little branch I missed and I'll be god damned if I didn't cut the cord. I think God is trying to tell me something.

Sorry for the swearing, sometimes those are the only words that truly capture my feelings. I haven't found others that add the "punch" that I need.

Yep, this is the cord and the bush

who woulda thunk?

oh oh oh!!! I didn't think anyone paid attention. I thought my words were typed and went into an old coffee can that I put under the sink. I was thinking about adding words today so I brought the can out. Read some of my old words and relized a few had taken time to read and add comments. Ok, one brand new person and one my old buddy who I miss dearly.

I was shocked, stunned and comforted in a crazy way that my letters are landing on eyes somewhere in this world. And, they are taking the time to read AND respond. I'm almost giddy!

Today is a beautiful day. I have been working diligently in my yard because I have nothing better to do. It also gives me satisfaction of creation. My flowers are blooming, tomatoes and peppers are in their infant stage, and my bushes are beginning to shape up.

I am outside again today to complete my bush trimming. I have gone through 2 extension cords in this adventure. Today I am armed with a brand new one and electrical tape.

me, who else?



Wednesday, June 25, 2008

James Taylor

I haven't cried for two days, I honestly thought I was getting through this famously, Water works have begun and here I sit, barely seeing out of my eyes. typing so I can capture my present mood. I have to remember it. It's cold, raining, I'm tired and I am very very lonely. I miss my man that doesn't deserve me. Then George Carlin died, such a funny poignant man. I need to see JT before he goes, I have to hear and see him sing in person. In the mean time I am sucking up every tidbit I can find on George and laughing at his brilliance. These men from my younger years left impressions on me that will be in my mind for years. Their spoken words, the words accompanied with music, were all created for. me

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Getting close to the edge

OMG! I seriously think I might be finally winding down from a 3 year journey into a crazy crap. Learned there might be some medical reasoning (good excuse anyway)behind my crazies and I am trying to focus on what's real and what isn't.

I keep establishing these links with folks that don't give a shit about me. My problem is I am a great listener, I am curious and ask questions and who they are, interests, history, my focus is totally on them while their curiosity of me is non existent. But, they like to talk to me and I confuse that, with actually caring about me.

I continue to compromise myself and my beliefs, continue to lower my standards of living and my standard of life just so that I don't lose the comfort of their voice telling me how their day was, what they did that day, what upset them what made them happy. I listen and I listen and I listen. And, I believe, I believe they are worthy of knowing no matter how far from the truth it is. They have so many layers of lies I can't keep them straight any more. Some how I am convinced that my hurt is my fault, I shouldn't take things so personally, and if I do, those things aren't any of my business anyway. can't I just listen and shut up?



Friday, June 6, 2008

Another day in paradise

I'm waiting for my lawn mower to spontaneously fix itself. While I'm waiting, my grass continues to grow and I get more and more overwhelmed. At least I am keeping myself clean and presentable. I walk outside and am almost tempted to hire someone, then I lay down and the feeling passes.

The weather continues to baffle and amaze me. Storms are always threatening yet, somehow just keep missing us. I should be careful what I say, I could jinx us. Tornados, hail, thunder and lightening, all so very frightening.

I keep wondering when I'll wake up. I swear I live in a daze, one day melts into the next. I don't want a day to end but I never want a new one to start. My happiness is based solely now on how another persons days goes. It's either very tragic or pretty God damned pathetic, all depends on how you look at it.

I've created this imaginary friend that I'm convinced is madly in love with me but doesn't know how to show it. Doesn't matter that he's already in a committed relationship, doesn't matter that I've never really met him, doesn't matter that he's lied to me about his age and commitments and god only knows what else. I KNOW he loves me! Hey, I even crack myself up.

I think I've been confused about the word commitment since the day I first was committed. I thought it actually meant something. That you wanted to be with the person you were committed to. See them on a regular basis, talk to them, at least spend major holidays with them. I'm beginning to understand that commitments now are just an excuse not to make additional commitments. Get it? I think I have.

However, since my happiness is based on this "imaginary" friend and how his day goes, I have to make sure I limit my communication with him. There are certain hours of the day that you might find him on a date with his commitment or possibly looking for another "date" on line. Man, you'd think if I was going to come up with an imaginary friend he would be nicer to me wouldn't you? I guess it all boils down to self esteem, which apparently I am severely lacking.

Or, it's all my parents fault, particularly my dads. I tend to be attracted to older men (yep that's my dad), those that are a little disconnected from the rest of the world (read;loner/rebel) sarcastic, funny and cruel. Then I live in constant fear that they're going to leave me so I leave them on a regular basis, that way, they can't hurt me. At least once a month the relationship is over, tends to run simultaneously with my womanly cycle. Coincidence?

I'm not really as stupid or pathetic as I make myself out to be. And, he does have some great traits. He makes me laugh, think, explore and sometimes actually makes me feel good about myself. He helps me to fall asleep at night and sometimes is my alarm clock. He is my navigator when I am on the road and helps me to find my way back when I'm lost. He calms my nerves, distracts me from my "real" problems, he doesn't judge or preach. He has always accepted me for me, all my crazy ways, mood swings, alcoholic rants and words that spew through my fingertips that are directed at him, usually in a negative manner. He knows when to step back, if he waits long enough my mood will pass and I will need his voice in my life again.

I am too screwed up in so many other aspects of my life that I really don't have anything to offer a "real" person. I couldn't possibly have a relationship with anyone that really exists or one that I could possibly have a future with. My future is too much up in the air. Fragility, fragments, frightened are my middle names with whacked being my last.

All that being said, I will go on with my imaginary friend for as long as he wants me. Until I finally hit his core with my rants or until he retires with his commitment to AZ, whichever comes first.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Here we go again. Shit happens, the sun sometimes doesn't shine and there isn't a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Yeah I know... you'd think after over 48 years of walking this earth I would be more aware of how things work, how people cannot be trusted and all dogs have to die some day.