Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Title

I'm not ready to end, but I'm not sure that I should continue.

Maybe all I've needed is my kids (at least one of them) closer in proximity. Maybe it was the dog dying or the removal of the baby cocoon. Maybe it's that he still can't be honest with me about his happy ending (how can you not remember the last time you saw her?).

I don't know what's caused it, my apathy of hearing about daily activities. Maybe it's the boredom in his voice, not wanting to hear my daily activities.

I think that's it. I have become another one of his daily habits, like brushing his teeth, reading a blog, taking a nap. I'm just a call he feels obligated to make.


I have a feeling it will just be a fade out. No more calls, no emails (there were never that many anyway), no interest. Just faded memories and maybe a ramp up on the happy ending. She should be the recipient of his calls.

It's just  not what it used to be.

I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about it. Ok, I'm not happy about it, I'm sad. 

I can't pretend anymore. I kinda liked pretending he was my boyfriend, in a way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a hug.  Sending you a big one.