Sunday, September 28, 2008

I hate my dog

My sweet daughter decided to leave me alone with the new mutt for a few days. We aren't getting along very well.

He barks and bites. I get angry and he reacts with even more barking and biting.

Wait a minute...that sounds vaguely familiar....the story of my life. Except some of the dogs (read; men) I know or have known, ignore me when I bark and bite. mmm...

Everything that my daughter is, I am not. She is patient, loving, tolerant, touchy/feely, and playful.

The dog loves her for all that she is.

He doesn't like me for all the things that I'm not.

I am used to an old mutt that laid by my side and loved me for me. I miss my Bear and his poop.

Maybe there is a lesson here somewhere.

Oh yeah... definitely... don't get another dog till you're really, really ready and make sure YOU (me), not your daughter, picks it out.

Oh... and maybe I should learn to quit barking and biting.



Anonymous said...

ahh, you need to let that new dog love you.

Anonymous said...

I have been around dogs all my life.  I guess you can say that I am a dog person. Whenever your dog snaps, nips or narks at you, totally ignore him. Just dont look at him and walk away. That usually works. I know how you feel about kids bringing animals home. we can barely feed ourselves. We have a guinea pig, rabbit, three dogs and two cats. I have just had to find a home for a couple of my dogs due to the fact we just cant feed them right now. I am sure they will still bring home something again. .... hugs, Christine