Sunday, August 3, 2008

Beginning of the end

We both hoped that a meeting would be the beginning of the end of my obsession. Seeing a face, facing reality, would somehow help me to face the facts. He is taken, I am out of luck. Plus the fact, when I am faced with reality I run fast and far. I was living in a fantasy, fake Internet boyfriend world, it was time to get real and get moving. (lots of f's, if you ask me)

I thought that when I really saw him, his mannerisms, his drinking (coffee) style, watched him in real life, I would be turned off, I would recognize that it was all fake and fantasy that I had been conversing with over the years. Real life never imitates fantasy, right? Right???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you didn't allow the oozing crusted sores and Tourettes syndrome blurted obscenities distract you from a pleasant visit