Friday, July 25, 2008


OMG!! I owe a big apology to sweet bunnies everywhere. They are not criminals, they don't steal what doesn't belong to them, they are sweet furry little honeys. HOWEVER, these aliens, caterpillars, tomato bugs, worms whatever the hell they are are GUILTY and GROSS!! They are eating my plants up and they scare the shit out of me.

I pulled my plants back last night thinking the bunnies would be afraid to come further onto the patio. I still thought they were the culprits. I was watering today and noticed droppings again by the plants. I thought wow, brave bunnies, but then I looked closer... OMG I screamed jumped back, then quickly scanned the neighborhood to see if anyone witnessed my fright. Thank goodness no one was around. I died, I honest to god did not know what to do, I panicked. So I took pictures, called my friend who is coming over to remove and took a shower.



Anonymous said...

I could understand how they would frighten you. I believe if you look it up online you might be able to find a way to create your own natural pesticide with environment safe ingredients. (Hugs)Indigo

Anonymous said...

i forget what kind of butterfly that one changes into.  not a monarch, maybe a yellow swallotail?

i hear you with the whole waking up and realizing your relationship is crap and built like a house of cards.

visit the rant anytime.