Sunday, February 8, 2009


I should be driving to Minnesota right this minute. Instead I sit at this stupid computer playing solitaire. If I'm going to stay home I should be at work, or cleaning, or painting or rearranging furniture, hanging a picture for gosh sakes.

Instead I wait for something, something, anything.

A revelation, epiphany, phone call, knock on the door, email, a clear thought. I will take anything. I will take anything but won't take any action on my part for anything to happen. I keep waiting.

So... I should get dressed, I've had my coffee. My house was clean until the mutt decided to tear up stuff, now little pieces of paper, fluff (from his stuffed puppy) parts of Sarah shoe and popcorn are all over the floor.

Now he's tired, sleeping and quiet. It's like having a baby. I can breathe now. I can take a minute to myself. He is not a baby he's a DOG!!!

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