Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How cool would that be....

to call my mom. Do you think there is a 800 number for heaven? I would even be willing to pay for the call. An operator would answer the phone "thank you for calling heaven how may I direct your call". Or, more than likely it would be an automated system, "you have reached heaven if you are calling to talk to God please press one, at the beep leave a message, he may or may not return your call. If you know your parties extension please press the 4 digit extension now, if you are unsure if your party is in heaven please hold and an operator will able to assist you. If your party was recently deceased you will need to speak to the purgatory dept please press 2. To reach hell please call 800-666-6666.

I'm pretty sure if there is a heaven my mom is there. That's why I can't talk to her. My dad is gone too. He would be very supportive of me, then again I would never tell him my problems cause I wouldn't want to burden him.

I don't need my parents very often anymore. But when I do, I really really do.


Missie said...

I am so, so, so, sorry. I did not know your mom was gone. Please forgive me!!!

I feel like a jerk!!

itsjustme said...

Don't be sorry! I loved the thought that it was just a pause in me and my moms relationship that we could patch up. It gave me a moment to reflect on how a conversation with her would go. Thank you!