Sunday, January 4, 2009


I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not. I discovered I can post from work, which is where I happen to be at right now. I haven't been here for almost 2 weeks, I came back to over 400 emails, luckily only about a third need action. but, instead of acting on them I am writing a new post.

Someone sent me an article on procrastination, which I happen to be the queen of. The slightest distraction can take my mind off whatever I was thinking and move it to a new location. A piece of dust I need to blow away, the furnace kicking in, turning my head to a new view, anything, absolutely anything moving and my mind is turning in another direction.

Maybe that isn't procrastination maybe it's ADD or ADHD or WTFE. I try really hard to focus and when I'm successful, completing a project, writing reports, taking care of my team, I feel great, accomplished, a winner. Yeah, so it only happens about once a month but darn it feels good when it happens.

I'm pretty sure my dad was like this. There must be some career that embraces those of us that prefer daydreaming and solitaire playing. Some type of job that recognizes the importance of mindless, obsessive, thinking. He tried to run a business, that makes me laugh like Santa HO HO HO. Poor guy he must of been in a panic for the hours my mom sat at the desk across from him, expecting him to be productive in the way society expects. To actually get work done that pays the bills and makes you move from a chair to a car to people you have to talk to, try to convince them they need the product you are selling. HO HO HO is what Santa would be whispering in his ear.

My dad would get distracted from his sales calls and decide we need paper towels. This was when the big warehouse stores (Sams, Costco) started. He would play in those places for hours, up and down the aisles, miles of aisles (thanks Joni). It was a dreamers heaven, so many things to look at, bulk at that! Pens by the boxes, paper towels by the dozens, toilet paper to last a year, all in ONE package!! These were all practical necessary items, everyone needs and uses them. How could my mom argue with such logic?

Poor Ed, there he was, a small business owner, had a wife that believed in him and seven kids that knew one day he would be the success he was meant to be. If he just could have gotten past the dreamer, procrastinator, ADD, ADHD, WTFE stage I'm pretty sure I would have gone on to college and been the success that my kids believe I should be. How's that for blame? I'm pretty good at that too. Actually all of my brothers and sisters are, we all blame Ed and Ann for not achieving the success we were destined to be.

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