Saturday, June 28, 2008


I just killed my 3rd (really 4th if you count the first one) cord. Unfucking believable! I reached out to catch a little branch I missed and I'll be god damned if I didn't cut the cord. I think God is trying to tell me something.

Sorry for the swearing, sometimes those are the only words that truly capture my feelings. I haven't found others that add the "punch" that I need.

Yep, this is the cord and the bush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG LOL LOL LMFAO!!!!  If I short out this lap top with these tears, I will track you down and if you aren't armed with hedge clippers, I'll make you a cup of coffee while the electritian you must have on retainer, fixes my computer!  

Seriously, I am so sorry you went (sounds like alone) through such a rough week, last.  I know what I said about the me too's, but it must have been in the stars.  It was wicked bad last week!

I am humbled by your excitement about me seeing your words.  I do enjoy them.  It was a thrill to have you comment back!  I'd almost forgotten about this "seed" (just finished my 27th YARWYASTB journal [semi-private] entry).  Now I'm newly inspired by your courage to continue to click the keys, so I'll copy and paste another one or two and push this seedling up through the dirt toward the warmth of some sunshine.  Who knows.