Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I wanted milk

I wanted to see a movie like I wanted to blow my brains out. Wait... that's not a good analogy. I wanted to see a movie like I wanted to hear Philip Glass play the piano. Yea... that's a better one.

Ok, so I agree to see a movie, at least let me pick it out. "No" she said, "you'll like this, it isn't what you think". Yea... ok... there I go again believing shit I know in my heart isn't true.

No no, instead I saw a movie where all they talked about was men not being interested, happy endings, having hope, men lying. Jesus man oh man! To top it off there is an older couple who sat right behind us. There were 4 people in the theater, my daughter and I were 2 of those 4 and they sat RIGHT BEHIND us!

I could picture the two exchanging sweet looks at the 'happy ending' references, squeezing each others hands. While I sat there, snorted, laughed, and coughed "bullshit", sliding further and further down in my seat. Then sitting up straight everytime "happy ending" was said. God, I was jealous.

When we did eventually walk out walk out of the theater (I stayed till the bitter end) Sarah told me I couldn't say a word, I couldn't even look at here. Everytime I opened my mouth to make a brilliant sarcastic remark about the movie we just saw, she shushed me.

He's Just Not That Into You

Yep, that was the name of the movie. I got it, I know, I understand. Why I did I have to see a movie that shoved the knife a little deeper? What the hell was I thinking?

I wanted to see Milk.

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